What is the Men's Forum?

The Men's Forum is a meeting for men, usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm at Ponteland Methodist Church.

The programme has speakers on educational and social topics on which we in fellowship seek a Christian perspective from.



Important People

Chair - Rev. Jona Sewell

Programme Secretary - Vacant

Minute Secretary - Bryan Ashford

Treasurer - Alan Groves



Important dates


Sept. 23   Pie and Pea Supper with talk by Geoff  Orrock  ‘The Watch’


Oct. 28.   Talk by Andrew Gonnet. ‘How will your home be heated in 2030’


Nov. 25    Revd Colin Barrick will speak about. ‘A Trip to Rome’


Jan. 13     Annual Dinner at ‘The  Blackbird’


Feb. 10    Talk by Revd Jona Sewell


Mar. 24    ‘A little piece of land with a story to tell’  by Pete Matthewson


Apr. 14  Visit to Victoria Tunnel in Newcastle


May. 19   Annual General Meeting  followed by John Gill’s pictures 


Jun.  9    Talk by Revd Captain Paul Allison. ‘A Kaleidoscope of Ministry’